Frequently Asked Questions


How can I carry out my experiment in LUNA?

Please fill out the LUNA Campaign Request Form and send it to campaigns”at” Our team will then reach out to discuss details of your campaign with you.

How long is the lead time until I can carry out my experiment?

Currently, the lead time for experiments in the LUNA Analog Facility is a minimum of two months. Please note that complex campaigns need longer lead times. The hall was opened in September 2024 and we have many requests. Therefore, it is important that you get in touch with us in an early stage of your experiment.

Do I have to wear protective equipment in the hall?

Yes, as the simulant EAC-1A must not be contaminated by the user in the hall, all users must wear protective equipment. Depending on the activities planned and the area which is accessed, the protection equipment ranges from a full body suit including respirator unit down to gloves, a hair mask, shoe covers and an FFP-2 mask while working in the hall. These will be provided on site.

Is there a room on site where I can prepare and store my experiments?

Yes, experiments can be unpacked and prepared in the preparation room and experiment room before they are brought into the hall for testing.

What happens if I have to postpone my experiment?

If you have to postpone your experiment, please contact your responsible contact person in good time or send an email to the following email address: campaigns”at” The team will then try to find a new appointment with you. Please note that you may have to wait again if you have to postpone or cancel your appointment.

I took pictures in the hall. May I publish them?

All images and video recordings that you make as part of your work at the LUNA Analog Facility have to be reviewed, approved and released by the LUNA Project management team. Please note that the photography, filming and publication of image and video material of third parties may only take place with the written consent of the persons photographed or filmed.

Can I ship my experiment/ my equipment to LUNA in advance?

Yes, this is possible. The point of contact and shipping address will be specified in the campaign plan.

How many people can operate in LUNA at the same time?

There is no inherent limit, this depends on the specific campaign and the number of concurrent experiments.

Will I be the only one performing experiments inside the hall?

Not necessarily. Parallel campaigns are possible, provided they do not interfere with each other. Any requirements for hall use must be included in the campaign request and will be reviewed by a designated board.

Is it possible to work on confidential projects, without others observing?

Yes, the regolith test field can be screened off for campaign purposes by closing the roller shutters. Please make sure to include such requirements in your request.

Are there tools available?

Yes, basic mechanical and electrical tools are available. However, it is recommended that you bring any specialized tools you may need.

Can the experiment team operate the crane?

No, crane operations are restricted to authorized LUNA personnel.

Is it allowed to perform experiments overnight?

Yes, overnight experiments are possible, but it must be planned in advance.

How can equipment be cleaned after use in the regolith?

For regolith-exposed equipment, initial cleaning with a cloth or broom followed by compressed air is recommended. A compressor, broom and microfiber cloths are available on-site.

Is it possible to reshape the regolith surface during the campaign?

While reshaping the regolith surface is labor-intensive, it is possible, if required, during the campaign. This includes creating flat surfaces, craters, or hills. Any reshaping must be incorporated into the campaign schedule.

Is it allowed to bury something in the regolith?

Yes, burying objects is permitted, provided they do not contaminate the regolith. Burying toxic, liquid, or hazardous substances is prohibited. All materials that are brought into the hall and being buried must be authorized in advance.