ElementS of LUNA


Regolith test field

The regolith test field has an area of 700 square meters which is filled with the regolith simulant EAC-1A. Depending on requirements, the test field can be shaped with craters and hills as well as a completely smooth surface. Furthermore, rock samples off different relevant geological categories are available as well as permanently installed seismic and other sensors for providing reference data for experiments.  The dimensions of the regolith test field are roughly 33m x 20m, with a regolith depth of 60cm (except for deep floor area, see below). Large rolling doors provide access for features/equipment with a maximum width of 4.00m and a maximum height of 5.25m. In order to prevent contamination in both directions, personal protection equipment will be provided and must be worn at all times when working in the test field.

Deep Floor Area

The Deep Floor Area is a part of the regolith test field with a depth that reaches down to three meters. The Deep Floor Area has dimensions of 10m x 14m. It contains an artificial lava tunnel at its bottom. In addition, various targets are buried in the regolith layer to simulate different structures relevant to scientific exploration, in situ resource utilization (ISRU) and astronaut safety. For example, they can be used for the application and verification of various geophysical methods for subsurface imaging. The Deep Floor Area can be used to test sampling, excavation and drilling activities.

Ground Segment

he ground segment of the LUNA Analog Facility ensures local and remote operations of the LUNA facility, providing basic functionality of data, video, voice and monitoring & control information. It enables users and operators to execute their experiments/activities and integrates LUNA into the ground segment. The LUNA ground segment has three fixed cameras that are installed at a height of 5m and have low light capability as well as infrared vision. The integration of additional cameras is possible.

Users can connect their devices to the local Wi-Fi, with the possibility of Virtual Private Network VPN access of the equipment in the Hall from a remote device/location. Please note that it is not possible for experiments inside the regolith test field to communicate directly with the outside world. Internet access is only possible in the forehead building and is provided by ESA-IT.

The LUNA Analog facility also features a Voice Communications System that connects the control room with the personnel in the regolith test field, via DECT-based radios (belt packs) and smartphones and tablets that can be used via Wi-Fi.

Monitoring and Control System of LUNA (MCS-L)

User’s experiments can be integrated in the Monitoring and Control System of LUNA (MCS-L), which provides a variety of tools to display and command. Integration of the user’s experiment into the internal MCS-L data model is done via a formatted data sheet.

MCS-L is based on Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems CCSDS space packets. These will be exchanged between the experiment equipment and the MCS-L via Bundle Protocol over the LUNA Disruption Tolerant Networking DTN. Furthermore, there is also an interface for experiment equipment that does not comply with the CCSDS standard. Data from such equipment can also be integrated into the MCS-L.

After completion of a campaign, the recorded data of the experiment (including the LUNA environmental data) are available in raw binary format or, if fully integrated, also as decoded csv.


Two commercial rovers the size of a 3U (3 unit) cubesat standard are available to users, with 2U (2 unit) free to accommodate self-contained payload units.

Both rovers can be controlled through a web browser over the Internet, utilizing video streaming technology (perfect also for science, technology, engineering and mathematics STEM activities).

At a later stage of their development they will be able to host a commercial on-board computer OBC and electrical power system EPS, to which users are able to connect their compatible hardware HW modules. Control and communication will then be routed either through the LUNA network or taken care of by users through their dedicated RF equipment.

A larger rover is currently under development and will be available to users in the future.

EVA Suits

For campaigns, two customized EXCON analog suits from Atlas Devices can be used which are available in the LUNA Analog Facility.

ESA Argonaut lander

The LUNA Analog Facility also features an European Large Logistics Lander – the ESA Argonaut lander – and will allow studies of ergonomics and mission planning (e.g. astronaut interactions, procedures and automation).

Sun Simulation

Basic Sun Simulation is provided in LUNA with a dedicated and adjustable lamp system. The temporary installation is based on high-performance studio lamp solutions and enables initial simulation of the lightning conditions in lunar polar regions. An even more powerful solution and permanent installation is currently being developed with Candelabra.


A portal crane with a load capacity of 3.2 tons is available in LUNA. It can reach any position in the regolith test field and can be used both to set-up the experiment equipment and to carry out the campaign, creating a “flying” experiment platform.

Dust Laboratory

The LUNA Dust Lab was built to allow for extreme dust exposure and testing of equipment under ambient environmental conditions. It also compliments the main LUNA test field by providing a secondary supply of simulant in the form of lunar highland, anorthositic type material originating in Greenland. Twenty tons of this material is available and the facility has a floorspace of approximately 4x4m, allowing for significant pieces of equipment to be subjected to the anorthosite dust.


The workshop area of the LUNA Analogue Facility can be used by users with prior instruction and contains various tools

Please note that only the elements that have already been implemented in the LUNA Analogue Facility and are available to users are listed above. The following elements will be implemented in the near future:

  • FLEXhab in Q1/2025
  • Remote control MCS-L in Q2/2025
  • RTG Mockup in Q3/2025
  • Candelabra (sun simulator) in Q4/2025
  • Motion detection via camera in Q4/2025
  • EDEN LUNA in Q1/2026
  • Gas laboratory in Q1/2026
  • Moon zeppelin (ramp) in Q1/2026
  • Puppeteer (gravity offloading system) in Q3/2026